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Colour Energy

Yoga Colour Your Mood™ Diffuser Mixes - 5ml

Yoga Colour Your Mood™ Diffuser Mixes - 5ml

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Yoga: Use this blend to enhance your ability to observe, quietly contemplate and pray. The oils contained in this recipe help relax the spirit and return you to a state of optimum health and happiness.

Colour Signature: Orange

Ingredients: Essential oils of Orange, Rosewood, Champa, Patchouli and Neroli


  • Use 2-4 drops in an aromatherapy diffuser (or as indicated by the diffuser instructions) to remind you of your intention for the moment or to create the mood that you desire. For a stronger aroma, add a few extra drops.
  • Combine 1-2 drops of a diffuser mix with one teaspoon of a carrier oil such as olive oil (or one of Colour Energy carrier oils), and then apply where you feel needed on any body part. Use your intuition!
  • Combine 1-2 drops of a diffuser mix with one teaspoon of a carrier oil and then rub on the corresponding energy centre area and various chakra points.
  • Apply 1-2 drops to a finger tip and apply to soles of your feet for grounding yourself in that energy.
  • Combine 3-4 drops with one tablespoon of a carrier oil and then add to your bath water or foot soak for an enhanced water and colour therapy treatment.
  • Combine 3-4 drops with one tablespoon of a carrier oil and then mix with 1/4 cup healing salts for a deep therapeutic bath or body scrub.

Directions: Add several drops to any diffuser to help create the ambience as indicated on the bottle. Please follow diffuser instructions for suggested amount. Add a couple of more drops for a stronger experience, if necessary, as some oil combinations may be lighter in aroma.

Add 3-4 drops of your favourite Mood Mix to one tablespoon of a carrier oil and then add to a bath or Colour Bath® to create a pampering aromatic and colour therapy home spa experience.  Or add same mixture to 1/4 cup healing salts to make a powerful and energizing body scrub.

Recommended Accessories: Colour Bath, Dead Sea Salt, Epsom SaltPink Himalayan Salt, Andean Salt

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